5 Most Famous Laws In The World
Murphy Law: The more you fear something happening more likely it is to occur.
Kidlin Law: If you write a problem down clearly and specifically, you have solved have of it
Gilbert Law: When you take on a task, finding the best ways to achieve the desired result is always your responsibility
Wilson Law: If you prioritize knowledge and intelligence money will continue to come
Falkland Law: If you don’t have to make a decision about something, then don’t decide
Buy-and-hold passive investment will not be sufficient in the coming decade. While the overall absolute returns from markets will be uninspiring, the highly volatile markets we anticipate in the years ahead will provide attractive investment opportunities for attentive investors.
Though the market environment may be challenging, investors who practice effective risk management techniques and who are prepared to seize opportunities for profit across markets and asset classes will see superior results. The chart should serve as a reminder to us all that complacency is not a luxury we should indulge in.
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